As part of its environmental awareness campaign, Anak met with the Franco-Balinese association, Peduli Alam, and created a partnership (which included Annie, a permanent resident of Amed). Following this meeting, our project to acquire English language books from the association Green books was set in motion and Bahasa Indonesia, designed for children of which the main themes are the protection of the environment and the preservation of animal species.

Annie generously offered to buy the books, which will then be made available to the village children in the library of the Amed center.  The volunteers of Peduli Alam will make interventions with Paing, the local coordinator, around this and also their favourite theme: waste recycling. This project will allow children to have beautiful books and improve their English all the while learning about eco-responsibility.

Peduli Alam and Anak also worked with Marie, a volunteer from the MASKBOOKART OF CHANGE 21 project, who, along with her family, attended a creative workshop on August 8th 2017 aimed at making children think about what kind of future they would like leave for the planet. The Maskbook project, already set up by several associations around the world, consists of decorating anti-dust masks based on the child’s vision on how to save the planet. This beautiful moment of exchange allowed the children to reflect on this subject all the while discovering decorations made from recycled waste!

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