Anak – Aid to Indonesian children, is a non-profit, apolitical and non-denominational humanitarian organisation founded in 2003 and recognised in France.

The association works to educate children from remote villages on the island of Bali, in areas where a lot of people lives below the poverty threshold.

Carte des centres ANAK

In partnership with local communities, Anak helps and guides more than 250 children in their studies, from primary school to university, thanks to the financial support of more than 300 godparents, donors, partners and foundations. All these children live with their families and are able to attend public schools and continue their studies until graduation, thanks to the monthly payment of their school fees.

Anak also guides these young people in their choice of career and follows up their studies in the remotest areas of Bali, where the lack of information and the lack of schooling among adults are true obstacles to education and autonomy. If we help these young people and future generations to become independent and autonomous, they can break the vicious cycle of poverty. As a consequence, their futures can be brighter and they can have a better chance to achieve their dreams.