Luh Putu Ariasi

Luh Putu Ariasih became a godchild in 2011 when she was in grade 4. She is from the village of Galungan. At the moment, she lives at ANAK’s boarding school, Dharma Citta, in Singaraja while she continues her studies in hospitality at the SMK Negeri 2 Singaraja vocational high school. She recently completed an internship at a 5-star hotel in Kuta, in the south of Bali.

I Komang Hendriawan became a godchild in 2009 when he was in grade 3. He spent three years at ANAK’s Dharma Citta boarding school in Singaraja while studying construction at the SMK Negeri 3 Singaraja vocational school. He finished his studies in June 2019 and now works in the construction business in southern Bali.

Ni Luh Sri Murtiasih became a godchild in 2006 when she was in grade 4. She studied nursing at high school and then at Singaraja University for five years. She finished her studies in September 2019.

I Made Sujana Yasa became a godchild in 2008 when he was in grade 4. He lived at ANAK’s Dharma Citta boarding school in Singaraja for three years while studying at high school. He is now continuing studies in nursing at the university in Denpasar. He is in his second year and has three years to go.

Made NGARA (“Belok”)

“My name is Made Ngara, but they call me Bélok. I am 21 years old and come from Lean (Amed-Karangasem). I am currently working in the laundry department of the APURVA KEMPINSKI Luxury Resort in Nusa Dua and am on trial for a month until December 2019.

I was an ANAK godchild from grades 1 and 12. When I graduated from the Singaraja Hospitality high school in July 2017, I found work for 8 months as a waiter, bartender and barista at an Italian restaurant in Jimbaran.
I left due to job cuts related to the downturn in tourism when there was a risk of the Agung volcano erupting. I then obtained a 2-month contract at the Mulia Hotel as an assistant floral decorator. Next, I found a job as the director of a B&B in Jimbaran.

I loved working there because I could be in constant contact with customers
and I had responsibilities. However, as there are no career opportunities at
a small hotel, I chose to leave after 11 months and applied to APURVA KEMPINSKI as I believe it will offer me better professional prospects. My family is very happy for me due to the experience I can gain from living in the south of the island.

My parents work harvesting corn once a year. My father collects grass to feed cattle and my mother knots bait nets for fishers. Three of my four siblings are already married with children and have stayed to work in our village. My two older brothers work respectively as a fisherman and a mason, while my older sister repairs torn fishing nets and my little sister weaves bags with bine [a climbing plant].

One day, I will return to the area, but before that I would like to gain experience elsewhere. Today I am grateful to the association for having supported me in my studies and for enabling me to take extra-curricular courses at the LILA CITA centre, even though when I was in primary school,
I did not go often, because I didn’t realize how good it was to be with friends or how important it was for me to learn new things.

My best experience with ANAK was the three years I spent at the DHARMA CITA boarding school. I miss that place and try to visit whenever I have days off (I go there more often than I visit my own family). I love talking to
Mék Sami (DHARMA CITA’s manager) and to my younger boarding mates who are currently in high school.

ANAK was a wonderful opportunity for me, because without the association I would never have been able to go as far in my studies or to have the job opportunities that I have had. It is also thanks to DHARMA CITA’s coordinator that I learned about responsibility in addition to how to organize and manage my daily life. One day, I hope to succeed in
my profession and become a donor to support ANAK and its actions.”
Interview by Maya

Interview de AYU

“My name is Ayu, and I am entering my second year of Multimedia studies  at TI GLOBAL-SINGARAJA high school.
I joined ANAK in 2018.
My parents could not pay for my high school studies so my mother talked to the village chief who contacted ANAK. After several meetings with my family and the village chief, I became an ANAK goddaughter and the association opened a centre in my village.
My family is very happy that I have joined the association because I can continue my studies. Moreover, they are reassured by the fact that I live at the DHARMA CITA boarding school, which is supervised and assisted by ANAK teams.

My parents only went to school as far as grade 5, so it’s as important for them as it is for me. I chose multimedia studies because I would like to become a professional events photographer (wedding photos, etc.). The vocational school enables me to acquire skills and knowledge so that I can start working as soon as I INTERVIEW WITH AYU obtain my diploma. I will be able to get a good job once I graduate.

Hopefully, it will be in the city of Denpasar, where most of the job opportunities are, because I can stay with an uncle who lives there. With my salary, I can then help my family at the same time as I am building my
own future.
I’m not afraid to live in Denpasar because every day here in Singaraja with my boarding school friends I am learning to be independent (taking care of water and garbage, cooking etc.). Residing within the association prevents me from doing silly things that girls of my age might do, such as lying to our parents when we go out.
I love living at DHARMA CITA because I am surrounded by my friends here. At home I am often alone because my parents work.
What’s more, we now have business workshops at the boarding school. I’m very happy to learn how to cook because I can always use this knowledge in my future life.

In addition, the profits we make from selling cakes help me financially and I do not to have to ask my parents for much pocket money. This makes things easier for them.”
Interview by Maya



My name is Kadek Sukrawan, but they call me Désu. I am the second in a disadvantaged family of 2 children. When I was young, I helped my parents in the small business where my mother worked, in the hope that my dream to attend primary school would come true. I became involved with ANAK when I was 11. Being supported by the association has brought me a lot of positive changes and activities, for example the opportunity to take courses in computer science, English and other activities. I thought I could go to college only, but thanks to the association I went to license 1 in tourism. I feel very lucky and happy to be supported by the ANAK, and a special thanks to my godmother who has generously set aside money to help me continue my training until I graduate. It helped me a lot and lightened the financial burden for my family.  I was not a gifted student at school but I was able to attend classes just as well as other students who seemed to be smarter because my motto that is: «success does not belong to those who are smart and intelligent. Success belongs to those who have dreams and struggle to reach them».

I am now 25 years old and I work in the company, Bestari Jaya, as a coordination advisor where my role is to coordinate and supervise the work of the team. My current job does not really correspond to my training, but it’s not a problem for me because I believe that the success of our work, no matter the job, depends on ourselves. Thanks to my work, I have gained experience. Before I could see strangers only from afar, now I can chat easily with them. I have friends from outside of Indonesia. I would like to express my gratitude to the ANAK association and its team. I hope that in the future, the association will help even more disadvantaged children because there are so many children who wish for the opportunity to study.


Initially, there was a collection of donations made by the Anak Association for potential students in the village of Pakisan, which I was lucky to benefit from. I was very happy to have it. At the time I was 11 and my family could not finance my needs and my studies. In addition to rice and monthly pocket money, my family received extra help to improve our economic situation in the form of pigs to raise. When I started college, I continued to receive the scholarship and, on a regular basis, pocket money, equipment and school uniforms. When I was a college student, the association then developed by building a center in the village and we then had various activities aimed at giving additional skills to the fellows: English classes, dance, computer, reading in library etc… This scholarship allowed me to continue my studies in higher education, vocational high school. I chose to go to vocational school 2 in Singaraja studying in the fashion department. Until the end of my studies, I was provided with a room, meals and pocket money. The association also organized additional training for my fellow students and me. After graduating from high school, the association financed my sewing classes for 4 months and also allowed me to equip myself with a sewing workshop to practice my skills within the association. After finishing classes, I was hired at one of the tailors in Singaraja.

I am now financially independent and can help my family. All this was possible thanks to the support of Anak. I am very grateful to them for having financed my studies and fulfilling my needs during my education.


Neither Kadek Srimaryani, born in 1997, is from the village of Panji Anom. The association has been helping Srimariani since 2004, when she was in the first year of primary school at SD Negeri 2 Panji Anom. She is still a student at the university of economics in the accounting section of Singaraja.

She lives in ANAK’s home in Singaraja.I Gede Suardana was born in 1998. He has been sponsored since his 4th year of primary school in 2008. He is from Pakisan village. Since July 2017, he lives in Jimbaran to continue his studies at Politeknik Bali University, in the section “Management of International Affairs”. He is currently in 2nd year.

Neither Kadek Karismawati was born in 1999, she is from the village of Galungan. The association has been helping Karisma since 2008, when she was in 4th grade at SD Negeri 2 Galungan. She continues her studies at Politeknik Negeri Bali in the hotel section. She rents a studio-room near her campus with another child from ANAK.

I Kadek Suliantara was born in 1993, he comes from the village of Kelandis Pakisan. The association has been helping Suliantara since 2007 as a child scholar while he was in primary school. In 2017, he completed his studies at Politeknik Negeri University in Jimbaran in the “Accounting” section. He is now working in a company as an accountant.


Hi … my name is Dewi.

I was born into a poor family. When I was little, my grandmother cared for me with support from my uncle and aunt. I spent my childhood working hard and finding work from neighbors in order to earn pocket money. It was then that I discovered ANAK and they were able to help me.

At that time, I was in primary school. My life changed thanks to ANAK as I was able to benefit from their financial assistance for my studies right up until university. ANAK also organized classes for children: computer, dance, English. It still continues to help me even now, in my active life.

I was very happy to have been sponsored because it lightened the financial load from my family. I met with my godparents. They are French and were very kind to me. They cried with emotion when they learned that I had completed my studies. I was very touched because they always took good care of me.

Today, I am an adult. I’m 26 years old and am now working in an American tourism company. I am a Guest Relations Manager at the hotel restaurant.

With this type of work, I got to meet many people of different nationalities and some have even become my friends. I liked this job because it connects the hotel with its customers to ensure that they will one day return. I left on 6th October 2017 to work in Dubai on a 2 year contract with the Marriott Hotel.

I cannot thank ANAK enough for all that they have done for me. I hope Anak can help many more children, just as they did for me!

Surani Dewi


Today Redika is 24 years old and works 20 hours a day at a restaurant in Panji Anom, his home village. In this restaurant, he ensures the maintenance of the pool, the night watchman, the room service, the cashier… as well as being a driver for the customers if necessary. This young man full of energy and resources is the youngest of the family. He entered Anak when he was in the fourth year of primary school because his parents (daily laborers) could not send him to school. Motivated and supported by his godmother Helena, he stayed at school until the end of high school.

He studied Multimedia: a choice just like any other in to obtain a diploma, he says.  After a 3 month internship as a graphic designer, he was hired and worked for 18 months in the same company. Then he decided to work for a wholesaler to discover this field and stayed in that company for a year. The following year, after 5 months of intensive work search, he got a job as a Mini Market salesman, which he says is “good for gaining experience, but there is no possibility of professional evolution”. That’s why he left this job after 18 months to work in a gas & electricity company, where he was responsible for customer care. When he takes stock of his career, Redika explains “we only have one life and should gain the most experience possible in order to be available whenever the opportunity presents itself in the workforce”.

Today he is the only one of his brothers and sisters to have a salaried job, and not a day laborer, which allowed him to help his father a few years ago, when he fell off his ladder. “My brothers are married and have responsibilities, and they all work as masons, like my father, it’s normal that I contribute the most. This worker explains that “the most important thing is not the size of my salary. If my boss is happy, that’s the main thing.

Redika’s dream is to acquire even more experiences in various fields and then with a small capital he has put aside, he would like, in a few years, to have his own business as a wholesaler store or retailer. When we ask him what advice he would give the Adek (little brothers and sisters of Anak) he answers: “Learn as much as you can, this is the most important thing. Then look for a job that suits you. Do not look for pay, because if you only work for the money, you get tired quickly. To have a good job, you have to start at the bottom and then go up to the level you set. I would like my children to go as far as possible in their studies so that they can get a job that makes them independent and happy. ”


Neither Kadek Ariani was born in 1998, she is from the village of Galungan. The association has been helping Ariani since 2008, when she was in grade 3 of primary school at SD Negeri 1 Galungan. She lived with her grandmother since she was a child and since July 2014 she has been living at ANAK boarding school in Singaraja with other sponsored high school students.

I Komang Budiana was born on January 29, 2002. He is sponsored by since his first year of primary school. As a child, he lived with his grandparents because his father disappeared. For 6 months, he has been living at the ANAK home in Singaraja with the other sponsored children. He goes to the professional high school in “motorcycle mechanics” section.

Ni Komang Putri Dian Indriani was born in 1999, she comes from the village of Pakisan. The association has been helping Putri since 2005, when she was in grade 1 at SD Negeri 3 Pakisan in Tegehe. She continues her studies at Politeknik Negeri Bali in the hotel section. She rents a studio-room near her campus with another child from ANAK.

I Made Suardika was born in 1997, she is from the village of Lean Amed. The association has been helping Suardika since 2009, when she was in primary school. In 2016, he joined the University in the “Tourism Business Management” section at Politeknik Negeri University in Jimbaran. He rents a studio-room in Jimbaran with another child from ANAK.[:id]

